October 25, 2013

Corsets and Etsy shops!

 I'm still plugging away at my natural form gown over the last few weeks but my attention has been diverted to a couple of other things that I have been working on.

Using a pattern I developed for myself I have been experimenting with grading up a corset pattern into something resembling standard sizes, or what I'm using as standard sizes away! I would like to be able to offer something a little less expensive than a fully custom corset to my customers.

I started with just making it an under-bust pattern as to me it's the bust that is usually the hardest to fit and make into something standardised. I love full, rounded hips on my corsets and so this pattern incorporates that. It is fully boned with an average of 24 steels to give a really smooth fit. I was really pleased with the results! Everyone I have tried the samples on, in a range of sizes and body types, have looked fab and it's fitted them really well! To complement my facebook page I have now opened an Etsy shop and listed the under-busts and hope to add to them soon. I already have an over-bust corset in development so will list that as soon as I am happy with the fit.

I also think I'm going to have to make a TARDIS corset for all the Doctor Who fans out there (including me!), I was recently at the London Comic Con and loved the outfits I saw there! When I get round to making a sample I'll list that on Etsy too :)

Last night I did finally get around to making all the buttonholes to attach the train onto my petticoat, and I have to say I LOVE the petticoat! Possibly even more than the skirt, which is also done. There's something about those white ruffles and lace that just gets me :)

I'll update soon with pics of the skirt and petticoat!